Why is my life is characterised by incredible physical and mental energy, shining sweetness of aura, profound emotion, and indomitable intellect? Whenever I consider this I trace it back to a runaway autocatalytic feedback loop formed between the same cluster of causes: rigorously curated mental and sensory diet, cultivated positive delusion, ecstatically intense physical training paired with secret nourishing foods, and the curious innocence of a child.
I wake from sleep and start dreaming… we are dreaming all the time, but we dream God’s Dream — a dream between bodies which opens like a rose, unfurling always into Holy Heaven’s Eternity.
Cultivated Delusion
There is a near-limitless ceiling on an individual’s potential for freedom and accomplishment once Ultimate Agency is achieved. The only reason to attribute to yourself anything less than limitless potential is to avoid the pain of failing to meet it. This belief in infinite potential is often called delusion, but many of the most effective beliefs are delusive, and far more constructive than those considered ‘realistic’.
Parsimony and risk-aversion are often considered to be traits of a ‘shrewd’ and ‘realistic’ person, but I can explain why this is objectively false:
‘Realism’ denotes a belief or world-model which is congruent with reality
Congruence with reality is most aptly measured with reference to ‘success’.
‘Success’ is attainment of desired and expected outcome — ie, the success of a predictive model.
Deluded self-assurance delivers success much more reliably than parsimony and risk-aversion.
Delusion should thus be considered the more ‘realistic’ model of reality.
A Brief Digression on Language for the Uninitiated
Implicit in the syllogism above is an observation about the nature of Truth and its co-extensiveness with utility and beauty, — an observation which is in agreement with evolutionary psychology. To conclude from the above that “a delusion is an untrue but useful belief” would be a failure to incorporate this observation. A richer conclusion would be that “delusion can be more real than reality”.
Many people are unable to accept the latter, more robust conclusion. They believe that truth and delusion, being opposites, cannot refer to the same thing. This a linguistic confusion: a false conflation of WORD and REFERENT (the phenomena identified by a word) — put differently, it is a conflation of the descriptor and the object described. Those bamboozled by this are trapped in a Language Cage with regard to their definition of truth, and conflate the moon for the finger which points to it.
A Monk points toward the moon to direct the pupil’s attention to it. The pupil, guided by the pointing finger, now looks at the moon. But if he looks instead at the finger and takes it to be the moon, he mistakes the nature of both the moon and the finger.
NB: The confusion is created by a paucity of adequate descriptors, and for that reason I frequently employ Reverential Capitalisation to distinguish terms with a fallen meaning and a transcendent meaning, such as “Truth”.
In reality, there is no reason to prioritise the internal cohesion of language over a thoroughgoing investigation of the world which it attempts to describe, and as such no reason to subjugate the Truth which is coterminous with beauty and flourishing1 to the truth which is shackled to the criteria of rationality.
You need to understand this – if you do not understand this, you understand NOTHING. you are POISONED ANIMAL.
A Delusive, Effective, True Belief
All things are chosen, and everything is your fault, including things which happen without your interference, and including things outside of your control — It is your fault that they are outside of your control. You chose your parents, you chose your mind, and you chose every aspect of your physiology, whether cultivated or genetic.
The opposite of externalising blame is internalising total responsibility. Ultimate Agency = Ultimate Responsibility.
Risk and Conviction
Aversion to risk is an atheistic neurosis which underestimates the consequences of inaction. The shrewdly pragmatic man pledges a minute-to-minute decay of his soul in order to avoid of a more conspicuous kind of pain — but a grander and more poetic kind, too. In payment of this bargain, he feels pain constantly, and pointlessly. He is so scared of overwhelming failure that he accepts protracted and mundane failure. But he forecloses the possibility of overwhelming success. As a result, he fails life, when all he could have risked was incredible pain, and transcendent success.
There is no avoidance of risk, just as there is no avoidance of suffering; only their redistribution into a toxic slow-burning disillusionment, or their transfiguration into holiness and sublimity.
Innocence of a Child
Curiosity and Dilettantism
The more doggedly I pursue my curiosity, the more wonderment I unearth in God’s Kingdom — it is truly a shame to behold a person in whom curiosity has faltered and died. Cultivating and indulging curiosity is not only a path to wide-ranging and properly-integrated knowledge, but a heuristic for determining Right Action, and a beacon of self-manifestation in the truest sense.
Curiosity arises when a person perceives the world and finds a particular combination of raw facts to be entrancing enough to spur further investigation — the person is called upon by the Self to act on their curiosity, lured by the prospect of exploring new territory of both the world and the Self. Self-manifestation therefore is not “manifesting oneself” in the colloquial sense, but “causing one’s Self to be made manifest”.
Self-manifestation is moving forward, exploring, gaining capacity and acquiring competencies, drawing an increasing portion of the world into the sphere of the known.
Passion and Will
The hyperactive workaholic nature of the shrewd pupil is the subject of complaint from all women in his life. Interestingly, it is also the thing that draws them to him — but that is an investigation for another day.
The vivaciousness and drive that boils within a man is not only his greatest tool in carving up and rearranging the world; it is his definition — his will dwarfs his body and his soul, and is most properly conceived as the ultimate locus of his being. He EXISTS to the precise extent that he WILLS. The shrewd pupil wills immensely, and exists immensely in kind.
The harder he works, the luckier he is. He does not conserve energy nor withhold effort in fear of spending it in the wrong place — rather, he finds that his output capacity dilates in direct proportion with the demand imposed upon him.
The Golden Practices and their Fruits
If one adopts a regular practice of undirected flaneuring alongside a habit of productive activity (outside employment), spends time alone, pursues satisfaction of curiosity, private dilettante scholarship and acquisition of skills for their own sake, one becomes naturally interesting, enigmatic, unaffectedly idiosyncratic and original.
Good Will
Hereby one acquires agency, and therewith an aura endearing him to others… reality-warping conversational powers. A smiling eye with a soul behind it is like a government ID, license to kill; one is immediately forgiven of incredible mischiefs to strangers on presumed authority of innocent intention. He has the Mandate of Heaven.
The shrewd pupil in acquiring agency shines forth benevolence and intrigue — He talks to a stranger about their special niche interest and finds that he knows as much about it by passive knowledge absorption as they do by their own uncurious investigations… He has a soliloquy in his pocket for any topic.
People tell me often that I am the luckiest person they have ever met, and that interesting things happen to me with unbelievable frequency. They note that I am approached by strangers astoundingly often, offered opportunities with amazing frequency. They ask me how I could possibly have time for everything I do.
For elucidation on the relationship between luck and agency, see: Choosing Friends and Business Partners > Luck ( = Agency = Energy)
Incredible Pleasure
Exercising one’s capacities in such a way is what it means to truly affirm the world, and affirm one’s life… One must have a passion for all things, and acknowledge God’s Kingdom as eternally, excruciatingly, ecstatically fascinating… The brain grows large and powerful, and all decisions become exponentially easier.
Don is a sensualist, like Paris— I love to wield the senses God gifted man, as a mark of respect… to hold fruits to my face + feel cool flesh, to peel an orange slowly, see + smell as it releases its vapours. In quiet I can hear an orange groan as I dig my thumbs into cold skin.
Future topics:
- Doctrine of the Diamond Heart
- Mental Diet
- Language Sins
- Gait
- My Word
- The Countdown
- The Hill
- Seeing Only Beauty
- Ceremonial Garb
- Girls
- Noisebloccing
See also:
There is NOTHING wrong with making outrageous but intuitively beautiful claims and attempting to understand them post hoc — Such is the recipe for any knowledge worth knowing. Reason’s proper role is as a means of explaining beauty, not arriving at it. Beauty + Truth are coterminous, anyway. ↩